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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Journal #7 Collaborative Documents

Collaborative Documents refers to the ability for people in different locations to simultaneously interact through a website to make it possible to work on the same project or assignment even though their not together.

Wiki or Google Docs?


I learned that Google docs are a great way for people to be able to work together on a paper/assignment at the same time from different locations. Because it's "live" each person can see the updates as they are being done and that makes it easier to track the changes. One suggestions was each contributor use a different color font so they can be easily identified.

Document Sharing-Applications


I found out there are other websites out there for online collaborations.
http://www.stixy.com/ and http://www.spruz.com/ are both good for collaborating and have more features to choose from. It seems even though there are many options, people still opt for googledocs as their favorite.


  1. I love google docs! I think it is a great resource! Thanks again for all your help!!! :)

  2. I like the idea of collaborative documents, but I feel old fashioned because I still like working with people on a non collaborative document!
